*Practically* Free Holiday Gift Guide


Christmas is 1 week away! If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect gift, I’ve got you. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the season (no pun intended). Trust me I can get carried away myself. I loooove gift giving and having presents under the tree. This year I tried to be intentional with the physical gifts I’m giving, and I wanted to share a few *practically* free gifts you can give others in your life as well. With so many gift guides circulating right now, I thought it would be nice to offer one that has a lot of meaning, and I can almost guarantee there will be no exchanges or returns.

Baked Goods: There’s something so special about receiving baked goods from others! Knowing that they put their time and love into them makes it truly a special treat. If you don’t know what to give someone in your life - offer them some sweet treats. It’s fun for you to make them, and for others (and yourself) to eat them!

Meditation: Meditation has personally impacted my life for the better. I can’t speak for all, but I do know it has helped a lot of others in my life as well. Staring my mornings with mediation allows me space to come back to during the day. When I’m feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or just need to pause I know I can come back to my breath and meditate. Teaching your loved ones the power of meditation might really positively impact their life. A great way to give this gift? Just start a conversation about it! Tell others how it has affected you, and recommend starting off trying it for just a couple of minutes. You can even tell them about apps that walk you through meditating. (I personally love headspace). If you insist on giving a physical gift as well, it pairs perfectly with cozy sweats and blankies.

Offer a walk and a coffee date: As I get older, I realize there’s not much that means more than getting to spend quality time with people I love! It would probably mean more than you’ll ever know if you call up your friend, aunt, grandpa, or whoever and ask them to get coffee (or tea if that’s your thing) and go for a walk. Spending this time together is more valuable than any item you can purchase in a store.

Give someone a phone call or write them a card: Again, there’s not much that means more than getting to connect with others. If there is someone you’ve been “meaning to call” for the past few months, pick up the phone and give them a call! Better yet, write them a card! I absolutely love sending and receiving snail mail. It makes me so happy when I open my mailbox and have a letter waiting for me, and I hope others feel the same! You might really make someones day.

Journal: Offering a journal is a sweet gesture to remind someone to add mindful activities into their daily routine. Journaling can help relieve stress as well as offer small reminders of what we are grateful for each day. A journal is a meaningful sentiment, and will likely be much appreciated!

I hope you enjoyed this guide and find it useful for the upcoming season!


Rich Oat Milk Hot Chocolate


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