Rich Oat Milk Hot Chocolate


'Tis the season for hot cocoa! There's nothing like coming home from a long day of work and snuggling up with a big cup of hot chocolate. This drink makes me so nostalgic. I remember when I was a little girl and it would snow, I would bundle up and run outside to play. Then I would come inside and stand over the heater drinking hot chocolate and trying to thaw out. I recreated a dairy free version, and it's honestly even more delicious than I remember it! Can't wait for y'all to try this one.


2 cups oat milk

2 tbsp. Lily's Dark Chocolate Chips

1 tsp. Cacao Powder (note: not cocoa, cacao).

Topping: Coconut Milk Whipped Cream


Put milk and chocolate chips in a small sauce pan over low-medium heat. Stir for about 4 minutes until the chips start to melt into the milk. Whisk in cacao powder and continue stirring for a few more minutes until mixed well. Top with coconut whipped cream, enjoy!


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