Wellness While Traveling

I’m heading home to Kentucky this week and I’m so excited! Something I often hear is that people don’t know how to stay on track with their wellness while traveling. Below I’ve listed my top 5 tips to start your travels out on the right foot while keeping your wellness goals in mind.

Pack snacks. So many times I’ve showed up to the airport thinking, “Oh, I won’t get hungry.” Sure enough halfway through my flight my stomach is turning and I’m kicking myself for not packing anything to eat. Then I’m stuck with stale pretzels and overly salted peanuts. Don’t let this happen to you! Some of my favorite snacks to pack include almonds, plain air popped popcorn, larabars, and bananas. If you want a sweeter treat try making a trail mix blend with almonds, roasted pumpkin seeds, popcorn, and some dark chocolate chips. Of course, I store each of these snacks in my reusable stasher bags! Packing snacks is not only a healthy option, but it can also help save you money. If you do find yourself at the airport with a growling belly, but no snacks on hand look at your options before heading to the first fast food place you see. Lots of airports have little shops that offer things like yogurt, apples, and bananas.

2. Stay hydrated. I can’t emphasize this enough. Due to lack of humidity on flights it is so easy to become dehydrated. Make sure you are not only staying hydrated on the flight, but also on the days leading up to your travels. Pack your own reusable water bottle and once you get through security find a water fountain or restaurant to fill it up. This saves money and the planet!

3. If you get anxiety traveling, come prepared. I always get anxious before traveling, especially if I’m traveling alone. It’s not even that I am scared of flying; once I’m on the flight I’m fine, but leading up to it my nerves get the best of me! I use CBD oil to help calm nerves before the flight, and I also pack lavender essential oil on my carry on. Just the smell of lavender can help soothe my mind.

4. On Guard. doTerra On Guard contains essential oils that are known to support and strengthen the immune system. It can easily be mixed with water and comes in an oil or beadlet form so it’s easy to pack along when traveling.

5. Get moving afterwards. There’s nothing like stretching out your legs after a long flight! Whether you’re traveling for leisure or business try to get moving after your flight. Whether that means going for a 10 minute walk around the block or trying out a new studio in a different city, every little bit helps!


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