Top 20 in 2020

2020 might have been the pits, but it gave me PLENTY of time to spend in the kitchen. All thanks to you guys I was able to continue to share my passion for food and cooking + health and wellness. This year more than ever I think we’ve all needed something to turn to for comfort, and frankly to pass the time! I hope my recipes have been able to provide a sense of joy for you.

Here is a top 20 roundup of my most viewed and “liked” recipes from this past year. These are some of my favorites and nothing makes me happier to see you guys liked them just as much as me! I owe the biggest THANK YOU to you if you are reading this. Thank you for allowing to share my passions with you, for trusting me enough to try my recipes, and for following along on my journey and for sharing yours with me as well! Cheers to a new year.


Sweet & Sour Chicken


Snickerdoodle Squares