How + Why to Stop Counting Calories

If you are working towards becoming an Intuitive Eater, it takes time and patience. It takes unlearning and relearning. One behavior that can be really hard for clients to let go of is calorie counting. Has it been engrained in you that you have to count calories to rely on safety in your food choices? It can be such a hard thing to let go of, even if you delete the app you might still mentally be tracking in your mind. When it comes to letting go of this habit, it’s important to find your why, and then work on your how.

So, why would you want to stop calorie counting? When you calorie count you aren’t able to trust your body or listen to hunger/fullness cues. You are relying on your mind to give you a certain number, and you are hoping your body will comply and feel satisfied. What I see more often than not though is that our bodies are not satisfied, this leads to an unhealthy relationship with food and our body because there is so much confusion happening.  

Calorie counting holds you back from truly being in the moment. You are looking to external cues to dictate your decision and blocking out your internal voice. If you are counting calories it makes it hard to enjoy outings with friends, be present for special occasions, and really enjoy the food you are having.

Our bodies change daily, they are so powerful and have ever changing needs. Hormones, movement, sleep, and other factors affect our hunger/fullness, and it’s impossible to honor it if you are focusing on a rigid number each day. Not too mention, counting calories can be stressful. When you are out with friends or even at home alone it can be stressful to track calories and give your power to a set number. When our bodies are in a state of stress it is hard for it to absorb nutrients. That means even if you are eating foods full of vitamins and minerals your body is struggling to reap the benefits.

These are a few “why’s” for why you might want to stop counting calories, but if you are struggling with this behavior I would encourage you to take the time now to pause and come up with a list of your own, make it personal to you.

Now for the how… this one is a little bit more complex. If you have been tracking calories for a while it can be a hard habit to break. Even if you use an app and you delete it, you might subconsciously count calories in your mind. BUT you did not always count calories. You did not always rely on this behavior. There was a time you ate intuitively and you can work back to that place. Just like this habit didn’t happen overnight, it might not break overnight, but here are some tips to get you started.

Okay here’s the obvious one. If you use an app to track calories – DELETE IT. Right now, pause your reading, pick up your phone, and delete the app. When you have the urge to track the calories on your phone, make a note in your phone instead. Why do you want to track the calories? What are you gaining by not engaging in this behavior? Who are you with and how can you stay present? These questions offer a healthy distraction to think about when this urge arises.

Shift your thoughts to an expansive mindset. Calorie counting is so rigid and often times limits what we think we can have. Focus instead on what you can add to your plate, not take away. This can be tough to do, and again, it won’t happen overnight. The more you challenge the restrictive belief the more your mind opens up to what you can incorporate. If this is challenging for you, I would encourage you to incorporate one food a day that you have avoided in the past. The more you normalize every food the more you can be in tune with what actually sounds good and honoring your body.

Understand your reason for why you do count calories. Is it to change your body? Because someone online does it so you think you need to? Why did you start to begin with? Once you answer that, start to make peace with it. For example, if you are counting calories to change your body, explore how you can start working towards body neutrality. If you saw your favorite influencer doing it, question whether the things they do are right for your life as well. Also, are they certified to be sharing nutrition education? The best thing you can do for yourself is to get curious.

Lastly, offer affirmations to your food. Sounds crazy right? Just give it a try. For example, if you are having a muffin you could say “this will break down to give me energy for the day. It also tastes delicious and I am enjoying it.”

I hope this is helpful on your journey to becoming an intuitive eater and being in touch with your body cues!


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