Creamy Spinach Pasta Dish

We are going on week 3 of quarantine, and it seems my recipes are getting lazier yet more creative by the day??? Any who, I found this recipe originally on The Feed Feed, and made a few minor tweaks to it. My fiancé is allergic to tree nuts, so we definitely had to omit the walnuts, but I also wanted to add some nourishing bone broth as well. Bone broth is pretty much always a staple in our home, but especially now I've been relying on it for all of it's nutrients to keep us healthy. I love to sip it straight out of a mug, or sneak it into recipes like this one. I also had a huge tub of baby spinach & kale that I needed to use so this was a great way to get in some greens as well. Mix it with your pasta of choice, I chose to serve ours with a traditional gluten free spaghetti. Hope y'all love this as much as we did! I'll probably be making it again very very soon


1 box pasta of choice

1/4 yellow onion chopped fine

1 tbsp. butter

2 cloves minced garlic

3/4 cup chicken bone broth

3 tbsp. avocado oil

Juice of 1 lemon

4 cups baby spinach and kale mix

1/4 cup fresh basil

1/4 cup water

Freshly shaved parmesan


Cook pasta according to instructions on package. Drain and sit aside for later use. In a high speed blender or food processor mix the avocado oil, juice of lemon, baby spinach & kale, basil, and water. Blend for about 45 seconds or until the greens are finely chopped. Do not over blend. Sit aside for later use as well.

In a dutch oven, heat the butter over medium high heat. Add garlic and onion, sauté for 8-10 minutes or until onion is translucent. Add bone broth, salt & pepper, and let simmer for about 5-8 minutes. Take off heat and pour pasta in the dutch oven. Mix it in with the bone broth mix and then pour in the spinach sauce as well. Mix it all together and serve with fresh parmesan. Enjoy!


Cheese Stuffed Meatballs


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