Potato & Cauliflower Mash


Okay, you guys know I'm a huge advocate of focusing on what foods we can add to our plate versus what we're are taking away from it. This mindset shift makes eating a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. I always love playing around with foods and incorporating more nutritious options, but there are some things you just can't veer too far from the original! One of those things being mashed potatoes. Cauliflower pizza crust? I can do that. Cauliflower rice? Okay, that's fine too. But straight up cauliflower "mashed potatoes"??? NO. Sorry, no. It could be because mashed potatoes are one of my very favorite foods, so when I want them - I want them. I've tried many different cauliflower versions and I just cannot get behind it.

That said - I'm down for mixing the two together to create a delicious creamy blend. So, that's just what I did. I was honestly super impressed with how these turned out, and I will definitely be making them for Thanksgiving next week. Be ready to impress your guests, they'll never know that you added in some cauliflower!


-1 lb. baby dutch yellow potatoes

-1/2 lb. riced cauliflower (I bought a bag that was pre-chopped, however you can buy a head of cauliflower, chop it, and put it in a food processor)

-2 tbsp. butter

-1.5 tbsp. avocado oil or EVOO

-1/2 cup full fat greek yogurt

-1 clove garlic

-1/2 tsp. parsley

-Salt & pepper to taste


-Place potatoes in a large pot, fill with cold water until the potatoes are covered. Place on the stove with the lid on the pot and bring to a boil. Let boil for about 12 minutes or until you can easily stick a fork in the potatoes. While those are boiling, begin sautéing the riced cauliflower and the garlic in the avocado oil over medium heat. Sauté for about 8-10 minutes.

Drain the potatoes and sit aside. Place the cauliflower + garlic blend in a food processor and process until smooth, this should only take a few seconds. Slowly add in about half of the potatoes, and continue to process. Again, this should only take a few seconds, do not over process. Place the remaining potatoes in a large bowl and hand mash with a potato masher. Add in the butter, greek yogurt, parsley, salt and pepper, as well as the cauliflower and potatoes from the food processor. Mix well. Top with additional butter and parsley for serving if you choose.


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